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  1. I know the new play barn has been open for a few months now but it was only recently that we had the chance to visit for the day and good old nanny came for some farmyard fun too!

    Our son of course ran straight to the tractor ride on’s which he always does so when we finally managed to tear him away we went into the new barn and on first sight I couldn’t believe how amazing it looked.  Now, if an adult thinks it looks amazing then surely it’s a million times better to a child! 

    DM FP Blog 1

    Sam ran in and straight up the little staircase to play in the wooden house and when he came down he stood looking at the children who were running above his head and went on the hunt for a way to get in.  As I was asking nanny how on earth they get in a lovely little girl announced she knew the way and whisked my son back up the stairs to the secret door.  This adorable little girl quickly led our boy above our heads all the way around to the other side and down the twirly slide where my son’s delight could be seen by everyone! 

    We must have spent a good hour in there as he explored all the different areas and continuously ran up and down the sensory tunnel.  Once we managed to get him out we had a fantastic lunch (as always) and then played in the outdoor play areas, had a tractor trailor ride and visited the animals in the barn.  We would have easily stayed in the sun all day but there’s only so much excitement a 2 year old can take and once he starts tripping over his feet I know it’s time to get him in the car for a snooze.

    DM FP barn 2         

    DM FP 3 blog

    We always have loved Farmer Palmers and look forward to returning soon.  For up to date information and events, please visit Farmer Palmers


  2. Bread Pudding is super easy to prepare and great if you have bread which needs using up.  This recipe came from a family member and it's one of those 'throw it all in the bowl' jobs which means you can't really go wrong.


    500g White or Wholemeal Bread

    300g Mixed Dried Fruit

    1 tsp Mixed Spice

    600ml Whole Milk

    2 Large Eggs, beaten

    140g Light Brown Soft Sugar

    100g Butter, melted

    2 tbsp Demerera Sugar (for the top if desired)



    • Tear the bread into a large mixing bowl and sprinkle on the spice.  

    • Mix the eggs with the milk, pour on the bread with the sugar and scrunch it up with your fingers to mix it well.

    • Add the fruit and leave the mixture to sit for 15 mins while the oven is pre-heating to 180C/160C fan.

    • Butter and line a 20cm square tin.

    • Stir in the melted butter and make sure it's all coated. 

    • Tip it all into the tin, flatten and sprinkle with sugar if desired.

    • Bake for about 90 minutes and put some foil on the top if it looks like it starting to burn.  


    Please remember, every oven is different and the sqewer test will let you know if more time is needed.  Once it is out of the oven, leave it to cool on a wire rack and cut when cold.


    Top Tips:

    There are lots of other ingredients that can be added to jazz it up more including glace cherries, mixed peel, orange or lemon rind or grated fresh apple.

    Chop up half of it and wrap individually so they can be put in the freezer and taken out as and when desired.

    Happy Baking!

    Bread Pudding DM