The Mousetrap Review
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The Mousetrap has been entertaining audiences in London for 67 years which makes it the longest running show in the World. This legendary ‘whodonit’ by Agatha Christie is currently on tour at Lighthouse Poole and last night I took my Mum who was equally as excited as me to see it.
The play which is set in the 1930’s will have you intrigued straight from the start and if you like a bit of murder mystery then I have no doubt you’ll enjoy it. All the characters are very talented, some are quirky, some a little grumpy, but all have a very dry and funny sense of humour and there was quite a few laughs from the audience.
The beautiful Monkswell Manor set doesn’t change and you won’t see any sparkly costumes jumping around but it’s perfect if you want to just sit back and relax for a couple of hours without thinking too hard.
You’ll suspect all of the characters are some point but part of the shows success is that you know there will be a murder but not much else. At the end of the show you are asked to not share the secret which makes me feel like I’m part of a very special club and certainly won’t be telling a soul.
The Moustrap is running in Poole from now until 25 January. If you would like more information or to book tickets, please visit Poole Lighthouse.
Dorsetmums was invited to see The Mousetrap for the purpose of a review however all words are my own.