
Poole Old Lifeboat Museum

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Poole Old Lifeboat Museum can be found on the eastern end of Poole Quay at Fisherman’s Dock and is open daily from March until winter.  Admission to the museum is free however any donation is hugely appreciated.

Poole RNLI Museum 1

The museum is housed in the boathouse where Poole lifeboat station was based from 1882 to 1974.  The compact and informative museum brings to life the history of lifesaving in the town and also houses the Thomas Kirk Wright lifeboat which was operational at the station from 1939 to 1962 and was one of the little ships which took part in the Dunkirk evacuations in 1940.


You can walk around the entire boat, reading about the construction of the building and the history of the RNLI in Poole.  You also have the opportunity to try on the crew kit which my daughter and father enjoyed through fits of giggles.

There’s a little shop where you can buy souvenirs, gifts and books and my husband bought a cool RNLI cap.  We also spotted ‘Betty’s Pots’ which are recycled mini jam jars which can be filled with coins and then once returned it goes towards the RNLI.  We took 2 so each child has one and we’ll be returning them with some change inside next time we visit.

For more information on the Poole Old Lifeboat Museum, please visit the RNLI.


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